The “sales pitch”

A call-to-action aimed at citizens

Ask yourself

  • Do you feel tired?
  • Do you have back pain?
  • Is your belly growing?
  • Are you depressed, stressed or nervous?

Did you know?

There is one pill that could ease your back and joint pain, help you sleep better, extend your life span, and be good for your overall wellbeing.


The MOVEment Pill is the only medicine in the world that can be taken every day, at any time and in as large a dose as you need!

And it is our pleasure to introduce it to you!

MOVEment Pill Ingredients

Motivation, inspiration, trust, care, ideas, love, positive vibes and everything else you need to be healthy and happy!

Did you know?


The evidence

Many medical studies and the WHO Guidelines show that regular moderate intensity physical activity can:

  • Relieve stress
  • Release happy hormones
  • Increase the chance of living longer
  • Reduce the risk of recurrent breast cancer by approximately 50%
  • Reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease
  • Lead to better academic performance among children and adults
  • Decrease the chance of becoming depressed• Improve quality of sleep• Help increase mobility
  • Strengthen bones and muscles
  • Help maintain or get to a healthy weight

... And is a reason to be with friends or meet new people, enjoy yourself, have fun and much more!

20-40 minutes is all it takes

Did you know that all you need to do is 150-300 minutes a week of moderate physical activity? That’s 20-40 minutes a day!

There are easy ways to break the barriers and physical activity can be part of your everyday life without costing you money or time.

In your daily life by:

  • walking your dog
  • taking a family walk after dinner
  • playing with your kids 30 minutes a day

Аt your workplace by:

  • taking a walk break every time you take a coffee break
  • taking the stairs whenever you can
  • walking to a co-worker’s desk instead of emailing or calling them

MOVEment Pills

The MOVEment pill is the only medicine in the world that can be taken every day, at any time and in as large a dose as you need!